Indigenous Legal Education Committee Student Representative.
The ILEC Committee is looking for Student RepresentativesThe ILEC has a wide range of activities, and generally advises Faculty Council on the following:
- The implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action 28 and 50;
- The design and implementation of Indigenous legal education, including the juris doctor and graduate curriculum, intensives, clinics, placements, and field or camps;
- Indigenous student recruitment, admissions and retention;
- Indigenous faculty and staff hiring, retention and advancement;
- Indigenous community relationships, including the Indigenous Faculty and Administration at Toronto Metropolitan University, the Indigenous Law Students Association, the Indigenous Bar, non-governmental organizations, and First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities;
- Indigenous community research and ethics; and
- The Indigenization of facilities, including artwork, memorialisations, spaces, and the role of Elders at LASL.
The student representatives are voting members of the Indigenous Legal Education Committee. The ILEC meets monthly, with at least four meetings per year. The term is one-year. Student representatives are not asked to do any writing or additional activities outside the Committee, except to report to their appointing bodies (LALSS and ILSA). The Faculty and Staff members of ILEC complete all reporting and research. Student representatives are expected to come prepared to the meeting, having read the agenda and any attached materials.The Lincoln Alexander Law Student Society is looking to fill vacant positions not filled in the fall elections for 2023-2024. We are currently recruiting for the following positions:
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. Applications for ILEC positions will be evaluated by a striking committee of the LALSS.